As of May, 2012, Union County has changed their auditor site. At this time, the following instructions will help in finding the Corp Limit and Township of a property. These instructions are subject to change as Union county is still in their transition process. |
Once a search has been ran, you will want to click on the corresponding property in the results. |
From this page, you then click on Where Your Taxes Go |
This is the tax breakdown info. Corp Limit and Township information is on the pie chart.This example property has both a Corp Limit and a Township. For this property, the Corp Limit is "Richwood" and the Township is "Claibourne" |
Looking at another property, on the corresponding pie chart, you'll see there is only a mention of a Township. For this property, the Corp Limit is "None" and the Township is "Dover" |
This county may have entries such as "Unincorporated", "Coextensive" , "N/A", "None", or the field left blank when entered in either the location for Corp Limit for Township. For these instances, the corresponding answer to select when entering the listing in the MLS is "None" |
To verify specific information, please contact the Auditor for further details. You may also find the Tax Rate Sheets provided by many county auditors or treasurers as valuable resources for Corp Limit / Township information. MLS has created a site for Tax Rate Sheet information. Please follow the link below for more details: |